Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Rockefeller

The Rockefeller Foundation is a knowledge-based global foundation with a commitment to enrich and sustain the lives and livelihoods of poor and excluded people throughout the world. In order to maximize its resources and leverage the Foundation's strengths, grantmaking is organized around four thematic lines of work: Creativity & Culture, Food Security, Health Equity and Working Communities. John Davison Rockefeller (July 8, 1839 - May 23, 1937) was the guiding force behind the creation and development of the Standard Oil Company, which grew to dominate the oil industry and became one of the first big trusts in the United States, Rockefeller also was one of the first major philanthropists in the U.S., establishing several important foundations and donating a total of $540 million to charitable purposes. In 1859, with $1,000 he had saved and another $1,000 borrowed from his father, Rockefeller formed a partnership in the commission business with another young man, Maurice B. Clark. In that same year the first oil well was drilled at Titusville in western Pennsylvania, giving rise to the petroleum industry. Cleveland soon became a major refining center of the booming new industry, and in 1863 Rockefeller and Clark entered the oil business as refiners. Together with a new partner, Samuel Andrews, who had some refining experience, they built and operated an oil refinery under the company name of Andrews, Clark & Co. The firm also continued in the commission business but in 1865 the partners, now five in number, disagreed about the management of their business affairs and decided to sell the refinery to whoever amongst them bid the highest. Rockefeller bought it for $72,500, sold out his other interests and, with Andrews, formed Rockefeller & Andrews. In 1870 he organized The Standard Oil Company along with his brother William, Andrews, Henry M. Flagler, S.V. Harkness, and others. It had a capital of $1 mi... Free Essays on Rockefeller Free Essays on Rockefeller The Rockefeller Foundation is a knowledge-based global foundation with a commitment to enrich and sustain the lives and livelihoods of poor and excluded people throughout the world. In order to maximize its resources and leverage the Foundation's strengths, grantmaking is organized around four thematic lines of work: Creativity & Culture, Food Security, Health Equity and Working Communities. John Davison Rockefeller (July 8, 1839 - May 23, 1937) was the guiding force behind the creation and development of the Standard Oil Company, which grew to dominate the oil industry and became one of the first big trusts in the United States, Rockefeller also was one of the first major philanthropists in the U.S., establishing several important foundations and donating a total of $540 million to charitable purposes. In 1859, with $1,000 he had saved and another $1,000 borrowed from his father, Rockefeller formed a partnership in the commission business with another young man, Maurice B. Clark. In that same year the first oil well was drilled at Titusville in western Pennsylvania, giving rise to the petroleum industry. Cleveland soon became a major refining center of the booming new industry, and in 1863 Rockefeller and Clark entered the oil business as refiners. Together with a new partner, Samuel Andrews, who had some refining experience, they built and operated an oil refinery under the company name of Andrews, Clark & Co. The firm also continued in the commission business but in 1865 the partners, now five in number, disagreed about the management of their business affairs and decided to sell the refinery to whoever amongst them bid the highest. Rockefeller bought it for $72,500, sold out his other interests and, with Andrews, formed Rockefeller & Andrews. In 1870 he organized The Standard Oil Company along with his brother William, Andrews, Henry M. Flagler, S.V. Harkness, and others. It had a capital of $1 mi...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Unit 8 Seminar Legal & Ethics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 8 Seminar Legal & Ethics - Research Paper Example To strike a balance, the therapist should carefully weigh the repercussions of keeping the secret (Bass &Quimby, 2006). If the therapist thinks that revealing the secret will be for the greater benefit of everyone, then they should inform the individual who revealed the secret of their intention to reveal it. It is the role of family therapists to ensure that they provide their clients with sufficient informed consent. The informed consent document must contain information such as the nature of the therapy process, the fees charged, the involvement of any third parties, the expected duration of the treatment process, and the circumstances and which confidentiality might not be assured (Corey, Corey &Callanan, 2010). In addition, if the therapist is using non-established procedures, the therapist should inform the client of the nature and progress of the treatment, the risks involved, and the availability of alternative treatments. To ensure full understanding on the part of the client, the therapist should have face to face discussions with the clients and explain the contents of the document. Leaving the client to read the document and assuming that they understand the contents is ethically wrong. They should be certain that the client is fully acquainted with the processes involved in the treatment process in a direct conversation with the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

While conceptually sound, the practical realities are such that Essay

While conceptually sound, the practical realities are such that ecotourism remains a fundamentally flawed product. Discuss - Essay Example s a means of novelty to satisfy the hunger of hunger of the tourists with a view to growing awareness of the drastic environmental changes caused by global warming. But if the concept of ecotourism is compared with the ecotourism in reality, it appears, to a great extent, to be the manipulation of the consumerism of the industrial society to trap the foreign currency at home and abroad. Indeed it was initiated with the increasing concern about the negative impacts of tourism on the environment and ecology. But in order to mitigate the pressure of the scholars and the environmentalists regarding the harmful impacts of tourism on the environment, the concept of tourism ironically includes its ecological apparel that is supposed to grow the awareness of the tourists about the environmental change. Since then the concept of ecotourism is facing the dilemma of its true outline in reality, as in this regard Anja Touhino and Anne Hynoenen (2001: 1) say, â€Å"The tourism industry still feels that these definitions are unclear and that they confuse both consumers and tourism entrepreneurs. Terms related to ecotourism are often used without adequate definition and thus cause confusion, even in research† (Touhino & Hynoenen, 2001: 1). Various scholars have defined tourism in different ways. But all these definitions are stitched together with a common thread that appears to be approach of these definitions to nature and environment. The concept of ecotourism evolved in order to mitigate the negative impact mass tourism on Environment. Therefore the evolution of the concept of ecotourism is closely related to the definition of mass tourism and tourism in general. In this regard Fennel (2003: 30) says, â€Å"Ecotourism has grown as a consequence of the dissatisfaction with conventional forms of tourism†. For Fennell (2003: 16), â€Å"ecotourism is distinct from mass tourism and various other forms of AT [alternative tourism]†. In the beginning the most accepted definitions of

Monday, November 18, 2019

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Assocation (APA) 5th Essay

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Assocation (APA) 5th edition book report - Essay Example The book also gives special attention to the treatment of numbers, statistical and mathematical data, tables, and figures to present data in reports or presentations. The manual is divided into nine sections that are further divided into sub-sections, each duly labeled with page numbers so that the user can quickly access the required information. The APA manual is a well organized and user-friendly book that guides writers in all aspects of writing a paper - starting from designing the research and evaluating the content to preparing the manuscript for publication. Some of the major points of the book are mentioned below: The most important point that is highlighted in the book is the position taken by the American Psychological Association on plagiarism. According to the APA (2001), it is important to ensure that psychologists do not present substantial portions of another’s work or data as their own, even if the other work or data source is cited occasionally. The entire book revolves around rules and conventions that have been set by the APA to ensure that the writer gives due credit to the authors of the sources that have been used in writing the paper. The two important items that help in referencing the sources in a paper and that have been addressed in detail in the book are (a) in-text citations, and (b) referencing. The manual guides writers in using parenthetical reference citations wherein the sources are briefly identified within the text using the author’s surname and year of publication enclosed in parenthesis at the point where the information is used (APA, 2001). These citations direct the readers to the reference section at the end of the paper, which provides the complete information of all the sources that were used in writing the paper. All the topics in the book are explained in such detail that

Friday, November 15, 2019

A Look At Socialization Religion Essay

A Look At Socialization Religion Essay Some of a persons behaviour is natural while most of the behaviour is learnt. When a child comes in the world, he/she is gradually moulded in society into a social being and learns social ways of acting and feeling. His/her existence in the society becomes impossible without this process. This process of moulding and shaping the personality of the human infant is called socialization. In general Socialization is a social training by which every society prescribes its own ways and means of giving social training to its new born members so that they may develop their own personality. Socialization is often referred to as the transmission of culture, the process by which people learn the rules and practices of social groups. Just as we learn a game by playing it, so we learn life by engaging in it. Socialization is definitely a matter of learning and not of biological inheritance. People become what they are by socialization. Through the process of socialization the individual becomes a social person and attains personality. Socialization is the process whereby the individual acquires the conventional patterns of human behaviour. Every person tries to adjust himself/herself to the condition and environment predominantly determined by the society of which he/she is a member. If he/she fails to do so, he/she becomes a social deviant and is brought back into the line by the efforts of the group of which he/she is a member. This process is knows as socialization. It is the opposite of individualization. Some definitions of socialization by different sociologists are g iven below: Bogardus: Socialization is the process of working together, of developing group responsibility, or being guided by the welfare needs of others. W.F. Ogburn: Socialization is the process by which the individual learns to conform to the norms of the group. Peter Worsley explains socialization as the process of transmission of culture, the process whereby men learn the rules and practices of social groups. Harry M. Johnson understands socialization as learning that enables the learner to perform social roles. He further says that it is a process by which individuals acquire the already existing culture of groups they come into. Lundberg says that socialization consists of the complex processes of interaction through which the individual learns the habits, beliefs, skills and standards of judgement that are necessary for his effective participation in social groups and communities. Some terms in sociology relating to socialization: Sociality: It is the capacity to mix with others, to enter into relations with them easily and comfortably. Socialism: It is a theory of future structure of society. Maturation: Maturation refers to the physical and chemical processes of development over which people have comparatively little control. 2. THE PROCESS OF SOCIALIZATION Socialization is a process of transforming the human animal into a human being, of converting the biological being into a social being. It is said that the working of the process of socialization starts long before the child is born. The direct socialization begins only after birth. Factors of the Process of Socialization There are four factors of this process of learning. These are imitation, suggestion, identification and language. Imitation: Imitation is copying of the actions of another by an individual. In imitation the person imitating performs exactly the same activity as the one being performed before him. It is the main factor in the process of socialization of the child. Through imitation a child learns many social behaviour patterns. Language and pronunciation are acquired by the child only through imitation. Suggestion: McDougall defines suggestion as the process of communication resulting in the acceptance with conviction of the communicated proposition in the absence of logically adequate grounds for its acceptance. Suggestion is the process of communicating information which has no logical or self-evident basis. It may be conveyed through language, pictures or some other similar medium. Suggestion influences not only behaviour with others but also ones own private and individual behaviour. Identification: A child cannot make any distinction between his/her organism and environment in his/her early age. At that time most of his/her actions are random of which he/she is not conscious. As the child grows in age, he/she comes to know of the nature of things which satisfy his/her needs and such things become the object of his/her identification. The speed and area of identification increase with the growth in age and through identification the child becomes sociable. Language: As we all know, language is the medium of social intercourse and the means of cultural transmission. At first a child utters syllables having no meaning but gradually the child comes to learn his/her mother-tongue. The language moulds the personality of the individual from infancy. Theories of Socialization The heart of socialization is the development of the self. Gardner Murphy has defined self as the individual as known to the individual. The self of a person is what he/she consciously or unconsciously conceives himself/herself to be. There are mainly three important theories to explain the development of self. (a) C.H. Cooleys Theory of Looking-Glass Self According to him, one develops the concept of self with the help of others. One does not come to form opinions about himself/herself unless and until he/she comes into contact with other people and knows their opinions about him/her. Just as the picture in the mirror gives an image of the physical self, so the perception of others gives an image of social self. There are three principal elements of the looking-glass concept, they are: The imagination of our appearance to the other person The imagination of his judgement of that (imagined) appearance. Some kind of self-feeling such as pride or mortification. The individual develops the idea of self through contact with the primary group, particularly with the members of the family. Thus, the childs view of himself/herself may be affected by the kind of name given by his family or friends. For example, a child called angel by his mother gets a notion of himself which differs from that of a child called rascal. Cooley concludes that the self is social and that self-consciousness would not exist in the absence of society. (b) George Herbert Meads Theory of Self Mead has stated, the individual, largely through interaction, becomes aware of himself/herself. He has said that the individual in order to get a picture of himself/herself plays the roles of others. In seeing himself/herself as others see him/her, the individual is actually putting himself/herself in the place of others, and imagining what their response might be. A new-born infant depends upon his/her mother for his/her needs and identifies himself/herself with her emotionally. Eventually the child differentiates himself/herself from the mother and comes to know the role of the father. The child then differentiates his/her father from his/her mother and then integrates him into the social system. The child learns at an early age that one of the most important ways of controlling his destiny is to influence the feelings of others towards him/her. (c) Freud and His Concept of the Human Mind Sigmund Freud, the father of psycho-analysis has explained the process of socialization in terms of his concepts of Id, Ego and Super ego which constitute the three systems of mind. The id is concerned only with satisfying the animal impulses of a person. The ego serves as the mediator between desire and action. It represses the urges of the id when necessary. The super ego always holds up the behaviour norms of society. It provides the ego the idea of moral and immoral and this in turn intervenes with the id. According to Freud, the individuals super ego is a reflection of his parents standards of right and wrong. Thus, logically the child, in its socialization process adopts the norms of conduct of the society through the super ego. 3. AGENCIES OF SOCIALIZATION The process of socialization is operative throughout life. What a child is going to be is more important than what he is. It is socialization which turns the child into a useful member of the society and gives him/her social maturity. The chief agencies of socialization are the following: The Family: The process of socialization begins for every one of us in the family. They are not only closely related to the child but physically also they are nearer to the child than others. The child learns respect for persons in authority. The environment of a family influences the growth of a child. Of the parents it is the mother who first begins the process of socialization. The School: The school is the second agency of socialization. The education the child gets in the school moulds hi/her ideas and attitudes. Education is of great importance in socialization. The communication they receive from their teachers help to socialize them and to make them finally mature members of their societies. The Playmates or Friends: The relation between a child and his/her playmates is one of equality. It is based on cooperation and mutual understanding. The child acquires something from his/her friends and playmates which he cannot acquire from parents. From the friends the child acquires cooperative morality and some of the informal aspects of culture like fashions, fads, crazes, modes of gratification and forbidden knowledge. The knowledge of such things is necessary from the social point of view. The Church: Though in modern society the importance of religion has diminished, yet it continues to mould our beliefs and ways of life. When a child sees his/her parents going to the temple and performing religious ceremonies, he/she listens to the religious sermons which may determine his course of life and shape his ideas. The State: The state makes laws for the people and lays down the modes of conduct expected of them. If people fail to adjust their behaviour in accordance with the laws of the state, they may be punished for such failure. Hence the state also moulds our behaviour. 4. ELEMENTS OF SOCIALIZATION There are there elements which play their part in the socialization process of the individual, they are: The physical and psychological heritage of the individual. The environment in which he is born, and Culture in which he is because of the action and interaction between these elements. 5. ROLE OF SOCIALIZATION Socialization is the most important factor in personality development. Some importances of socialization are listed below: Socialization converts a person, the biological being into a person, the social being. Socialization contributes to the development of personality. It helps to become disciplined. It helps to enact different roles. It provides the knowledge of skills. It helps to develop right aspiration in life. It contributes of the stability of the social order. Socialization helps to reduce social distance. It provides scope for building the bright future. It helps the transmission of culture. 6. SOCIALIZATION OF ADULTS Socialization is a life-long process. At no point in the life of a person it comes to an end. The socialization of adults is easier than the socialization of children. The socialization of adults can be a prolonged and a tough process. This is particularly so when the skills to be learnt are complex and the responsibilities of the role are heavy. Generally adult socialization is designed to help the person gain specific skills. 7. INDIVIDUALIZATION Generally speaking, individualization is the opposite of socialization. It is that social process which tends to make the individuals more or less independent of their own. Individualization is the process in which people come to know themselves and acquire the sense of inner responsibility. Socialization brings people into relation with others; individualization makes him autonomous or self-determining. It is the process carried through by the individual and the society, and is primarily a mental process which is being spread through the prevailing ideas. Aspects of Individualization Mannheim has distinguished four main aspects of individualization. These aspects are: Individualization as a process of learning different from other people: The external differentiation of individuals leads to the formation of new groups. The people isolated from other people develop different types of personality. Individualization on the level of new forms of self regarding attitudes: The individualization comes to feels himself/herself as superior and separate from others and evaluates himself/herself in high terms. The person begins to regard his/her life and character as unique. Individualization through objects: Some people have a fixed feeling towards certain people and objects. Many factors influence the individual choice such as wealth or the process of modern production and distribution. Family conditions also shape the wishes of the individual. Individualization as a kind of deepening into ourselves: The feeling of solitary can develop a feeling of privacy and partial isolation in an individual. It leads to introspection which is again another from of individualization. 8. CONCLUSION The importance of socialized attitudes cannot be minimized in a society. A person with socialized attitudes would no do any work which is socially harmful. A socialized citizen would place human welfare above his individual gain. He would put human values above all else. Modern society has still to solve some basic problems of socialization at all stages of childhood and youth. The improvement of socialization offers one of the greatest possibilities for the future alteration of human nature and human society.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Brewing Process of Beer :: Brewery Alcohol Beer Essays

The Brewing Process of Beer The first and most important step in brewing is cleanliness. "Brewing is ninety percent janitorial," said Frederick Bowman, founder of Portland Brewing. (Bowman) The first step in the actual brewing process is malting. Malting is what is done to the barley to prepare it for brewing. The steps of the malting process release the starches that are contained in the barley, while minimizing haze and off-flavors. Grain is allowed to soak in 60Â ° F. water to increase the moisture content of the grain to about 40-45%. The grain is usually spread out on the floor of the germination room, or some other container. These grains are kept at a temperature of about 60Â ° F. The germination is complete when the sprout has grown to about 3/4 the length of the grain and the hard part of the grain, or the shell, has turned soft. The goal for germination is for the starches within the grain to break down into shorter lengths. At this shorter length stage, the grain is called green malt. Kilning is t he next stage after the grains have sprouted. Kilning is the process of drying the grain in the kiln where the temperature is slowly raised during the 30-35 hour period. After kilning, the result is finished malt, with soluble starches and developed enzymes. These grains each have a different and distinct flavor depending on how long they are cooked in the kiln. (Porter) After the malting, the grain is ready for milling. Milling is the cracking, and crushing of the grain. This procedure is controlled carefully so as to break the grain while keeping the husk as large and as intact as possible. Milling allows the grain to absorb the water it will be mixed with later as the water will extract sugars from the malt. The malt will now be mixed with warm water in the mash tun. This vessel holds the grain and water mixture for a period of time. Two important things will take place in this step. One is to break down proteins to the more soluble and usable amino acids, providing food for the yeast and foam for a nice head on the beer. The second thing is to break down the starch to simple sugars so yeast can convert them to alcohol and carbon dioxide. (Porter) Mash filtration consists of filtering the converted mash by gravity or pressure in a lauter tub or mash filter to separate the insoluble matter in the malt from the soluble sugars and nitrogen compounds.